CHALK seminar at U. Montana
We (the 3rd floor) welcome one and all to join us for advanced chalk talks on evolutionary and population genetics at Imagine Nation Brewery. Imagine "transcends how a brewery serves a community by being the first in the country to include a center for community transformation", and we are incredibly fortunate that Fernanda and Robert allow us to use their beautiful space.
I have an ongoing email thread, but this page will serve to keep us organized. Regular attendees include the Cheviron, Cooper, Emlen, Fishman, Good, and Miller lab groups. Anyone can sign up, although we are quite focused on evolutionary and population genomic problems. (Several of us are also interested in evolutionary cell biology and physiology.) This is an advanced seminar, and we dig right in to the details; however, speakers can expect a fun, friendly, and highly engaged crowd that makes this a perfect setting for students and postdocs to present their work. For those outside of Missoula, contact me to sign up if you are coming through—I have an extra room with your name on it if you need a place to stay.
I have an ongoing email thread, but this page will serve to keep us organized. Regular attendees include the Cheviron, Cooper, Emlen, Fishman, Good, and Miller lab groups. Anyone can sign up, although we are quite focused on evolutionary and population genomic problems. (Several of us are also interested in evolutionary cell biology and physiology.) This is an advanced seminar, and we dig right in to the details; however, speakers can expect a fun, friendly, and highly engaged crowd that makes this a perfect setting for students and postdocs to present their work. For those outside of Missoula, contact me to sign up if you are coming through—I have an extra room with your name on it if you need a place to stay.
Spring 2021
29 Jan - Mafalda Ferreira (PhD Candidate, Good lab, UM; 11AM) 12 Feb - Megan Smith (postdoc, Hahn lab, UM; 11AM) TBD Fall 2020 25 Sep - Jenn Coughlan (postdoc, Matute lab, UNC) 9 Oct - Emily Kopania (PhD candidate, Good lab, UM), Will take place in Bonner Park weather permitting. 30 Oct - CJ Battey (postdoc, Kern lab, U Oregon) 6 Nov - Roberto Márquez (postdoc, Kronforst lab, U Chicago) Spring 2020 24 Jan - Ken Thompson (PhD candidate, UBC) 28 Feb - Emily Moore (postdoc, Good lab, UM) 13 Mar - Arkadiy Garber (McCutcheon lab, UM) CANCELLED 27 Mar - Jeff Good (PI, UM) CANCELLED Fall 2019 20 Sep - Daniel Matute (PI, UNC) 4 Oct - John Velotta (postdoc Cheviron lab, UM) 18 Oct - DeAnna Bublitz and friends (McCutcheon lab, UM) 24 Oct - Brandon Cooper (PI, UM), public presentation at Imagine 1 Nov - Gregg Thomas (postdoc Good lab, UM) TBD Jeff Good (PI, UM) Summer 2019 24 May - Mike Harvey (postdoc, U Tennessee) Spring 2019 1 Feb - Rob Unckless (PI, U Kansas) 22 Feb - Thom Nelson (UNVEIL postdoc, UM) 22 March - Scott Miller (PI, UM) Fall 2018 16 Aug - Amelia Lindsey (postdoc Newton lab, IU) 28 Sep - Andy Clark (PI, Cornell University), OBEE Super Speaker 12 Oct - Emily Delaney (postdoc Kopp lab, UC Davis) 26 Oct - Brent Ryckman (PI, UM) 16 Nov - Emily Moore (postdoc, Good lab) Summer 2018 2 July - Michael Turelli (PI, UC Davis) Spring 2018 26 Jan - Matt Jones (grad student Good lab) 20 Feb (TUESDAY) - Andrew Kern (PI, Rutgers and soon to be Oregon) 23 March - Piotr Lukasik (postdoc McCutcheon lab) 13 April - Travis Wheeler (PI, UM) (3:30pm start) 27 April - Pat Secor (PI, UM) Fall 2017 29 Sep - Shane Campbell-Staton (postdoc Cheviron lab and soon to be new PI at UCLA, woot!) 11 Oct - Susanne Pfeifer (PI, ASU; talk held on UM Campus) 20 Oct - Thom Nelson (postdoc Fishman lab) 17 Nov - Dan Vanderpool (grad student McCutcheon lab and soon to be postdoc in Hahn lab at IU, woot!) 15 Dec - Brandon Cooper (PI, UM) |